It all starts with the right ingredients

Doing the right thing
From seasonal fruit, vegetables, Red Tractor meat and sustainable MCS fish to Rainforest Alliance coffee – we've got it covered.
Local to The Kitchen
Selecting the best quality produce from our fantastic choice of local suppliers is always exciting. We write our menus based on what our suppliers have available seasonally and by sourcing as much as we can locally we support our British farmers and growers.
Nelsons Butchers
A multi-award winning butcher, Nelsons is famed for it's delicious cuts of meat, traditional values and relentless search for quality.
Nelsons use meat that is sourced direct from nearby farms or through the local market. The farms are accredited ‘Farm Assured’ guaranteeing the highest standards of animal husbandry.

Tony Toach & Son
Tony Toach & Son supply an amazing range of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. They are very much a family business – not only is the fruit and vegetable trade in their blood, but they have come to think of their staff as a big part of the family too. Many of the team having been with them for over 20 years!
Bitteswell Farms
A family owned egg supplier, they rear chicks from day old to point of lay, milling their own feeds using only the finest locally grown grains and non-animal proteins mixed with natural products to ensure purity and consistent egg quality. "We are proud that our ‘Bitteswell Browns’ are recognised throughout the Midlands as a high quality brand leader."